July 19, 2024

Good Versus Evil

Melting snow dripped from the leaves like tiny ice daggers onto the disgruntled trainee evil witches below. As soon as they were born, these little girls were dispatched to the camp before any chance of feeling love or appreciation of comfort or joy could tarnish them. The spells that they were taught in dank and chilly clearings were bitter with evil: how to cause pain, how to fill hearts with hatred and revenge, and how to cause sorrow through foul wickedness.
July 6, 2024

Even Rainbows Have Problems

Indigo, the most compassionate of the group, noticed her friend’s glum face and his detachment from the conversation bubbling around him. “What’s up, Blue?” she said. “I feel your heart isn’t with us today.” Blue shimmered. An envious green glowed around his edges for a moment as he watched Orange and Yellow joyously chattering away, vibrant and glowing under the sun beaming in from the window.
September 8, 2023

For Sale

Recently added extension with its own wash room. Atmospheric views over the valley when the cloud is so low the town looks like it’s rising from the sea. Currently used as a playroom for two mischievous children and in a situation reasonably hidden from main reception rooms so can be left as messy as required.
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