May the peace of assurance rest upon your shoulders
like a soft cloak that warms you in winter.
May the song of joy fill your heart with energy
like a bird’s call fills the early spring air.
I stopped, took a deep breath, and scrambled up to the brow of the hill where I saw a large crowd gathered at the foot of one of the trees. This tree had been chopped into two pieces, with one nailed to the other, forming a crude cross.
Totality lasted less than 3 minutes — such a tiny fraction of time compared to the years I’d spent waiting, hoping, planning, and preparing. It overwhelmed the mind yet further rooted a desire for more at the same time.
Scroll through the Britbox streaming service. I dare you. For therein you may come across one of the most ridiculous, offensive, delightful, uplifting, confusing religious comedies ever made. To call Dawn French, et. al, genius is an understatement I won’t be guilty of. Rather, I like to refer to the show as what helped save my Christian sanity.
Unintentionally, the MockingOwl Roost family chose this topic, Unknown & Unseen, for our first triannual issue in 2023 for a time in which the family would […]
But as I have developed my career as a writer and editor myself, I’ve learned to embrace and celebrate being edited. (And I do use this phrase intentionally; when our words are edited, it feels like we are being edited.)
Each week, I make a to-do list full of things I need to accomplish on any given day. It could be fun things for the MockingOwl Roost, or maybe a tedious task for work. Whatever it is, it goes on the list. And the list is color-coordinated, with “categories” of life in different colors. For example, my grad school work is in green text, while work tasks are in red.
You see, writing theology papers isn’t just a school task for me. It’s an exploration of what I’m learning, how I’m growing, how I’m changing, how I’m developing as an adult human. So much of youth was spent regurgitating rote memorization and trying to make a grade. But now, in seminary I’m synthesizing and expanding the knowledge I’m gaining. And it is an utter delight!
This past couple of years, I’ve stumbled into a lovely way to reflect, calm, and breathe. It’s something the leadership team at my church has encouraged […]
For me, being a part of MockingOwl Roost is part of a more significant thing that needed to be done within me, raising from the dead my ability to write.
I grew up in the ’60s.I believed in Santa Claus.We had a real tree every year with tinsel – real tinsel. And putting it up was a family affair. A tradition that continued into adulthood, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.