September 1, 2024

Pins and Needles

As I pulled out the GPS, memories surfaced of Nat navigating the streets of New York decades earlier. Navigating the streets of every country we’d travelled in. He always used to say he carried maps in his head and if he needed to find the right direction, he simply lifted his mind above the car, looked down on the streets and visualised the right route.
March 13, 2024

My Favorite Things — The Total Solar Eclipse

Totality lasted less than 3 minutes — such a tiny fraction of time compared to the years I’d spent waiting, hoping, planning, and preparing. It overwhelmed the mind yet further rooted a desire for more at the same time.
January 19, 2024


Here they call them palmetto bugs but they’re just cockroaches, really. Normally, I would have murdered the tiny intruder but on this morning, on this particular day, I awoke with a newfound appreciation for life: for any and all life.
January 9, 2024

Things I Wish I Had Said: Closing Chapter on Friendship

We had been friends for over twenty-five years. More than a quarter of a century. I don’t know why I feel the need to emphasise the length of time we’d known each other, as if the more time invested the deeper the friendship. There is perhaps a strong correlation but no causation between length of knowing and love.
December 25, 2023

A Matter of Tradition

Holiday traditions are a big part of every family, regardless of religion. It’s a time to gather, hold close the ones you love, and create new memories. Our family had changed. There were some traditions we needed to let go of and others to which we held tight.
November 20, 2023

How an Irreverent Comedy, a Stack of Books, and One Woman Helped Save My Christian Sanity

Scroll through the Britbox streaming service. I dare you. For therein you may come across one of the most ridiculous, offensive, delightful, uplifting, confusing religious comedies ever made. To call Dawn French, et. al, genius is an understatement I won’t be guilty of. Rather, I like to refer to the show as what helped save my Christian sanity.
October 12, 2023

Bath Time

The first time I went to a convocation, I felt I could die of joy. My hummingbird heart, an anxious pet, sang a dawn song. It wasn’t the entrance hymn, “O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing.” It wasn’t the chancellor in his indigo-velvet cap and doily collar, although his literal orb and scepter made me weak and strong. It wasn’t the presence of so much earnestness, furnish me though it did with purpose and pleasure.
September 3, 2023


As Development Director for an animal sanctuary, I wrote about fragile cats for ten years, bootlegging in sermons on sturdy grace. I was obsessed with the work, for good and for mad. My unkempt, unorthodox congregation clamored for more…
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