January 16, 2025

To the Ringer With a Toothache on a Plane

It was 2008. I was exhausted, traveling solo through the country, tired of airports already, and had only just begun this adventure. But there you were, […]
September 30, 2024

Taylors of Harrogate Lemon & Orange Tea, a Review

In case the name wasn’t a giveaway about the flavor of tea we’re indulging in here, it’s black tea with lemon and orange essence. It’s a fairly simple blend — just the black tea with the lemon and orange extracts—but it’s a delightful one.
September 1, 2024

Pins and Needles

As I pulled out the GPS, memories surfaced of Nat navigating the streets of New York decades earlier. Navigating the streets of every country we’d travelled in. He always used to say he carried maps in his head and if he needed to find the right direction, he simply lifted his mind above the car, looked down on the streets and visualised the right route.
August 30, 2024

The Tao of Tea, Black Mango Review

Popping off the lid of the tea tin versus smelling a freshly brewed cup of Tao of Tea Black Mango offers two varied aromas. The tea leaves offer a rich, dark, almost indescribable aroma tinged with something fruity. The brewed tea, however, instantly transports you to the tropics where you might pluck a mango for enjoyment right off the tree.
July 9, 2024

Casting Whimsy Vito Tea Review

The dark richness of the black tea hits first but quickly becomes overpowered by the amaretto flavors that rise from organic almonds, chocolate paillettes, and amaretto extract. Each of the key ingredients dance across the aroma arc over the tin, vividly painting the visual of the perfect evening cup as you watch the sunset and delight in good things.
June 26, 2024

Taylors of Harrogate Blackberry & Raspberry Tea Review

Each time I sniff this tea, my tastebuds literally start to salivate. The dark, richness of the black tea blends beautifully with the sweet, tart, tangy fruit for a powerful, titillating aroma. As I breathe in the aroma, I can’t resist then drinking the tea after a long draught of the aroma, which is exactly what the scent of anything edible should do.
March 13, 2024

My Favorite Things — The Total Solar Eclipse

Totality lasted less than 3 minutes — such a tiny fraction of time compared to the years I’d spent waiting, hoping, planning, and preparing. It overwhelmed the mind yet further rooted a desire for more at the same time.
March 4, 2024

Pinkies Up for Some “Red Velvet” Pleasure, a Tea Review

By the name of the tea, I would have expected Pinky Up Red Velvet Cake Tea to contain cocoa or cocoa-like flavorings. Instead, as I opened the tin and smelled, I realized the product may well be misnamed. I double-checked the website and nope. It’s the correct label for the tea.
January 14, 2024

Traveling Back in Time with Outlander

The email from British Airways popped up just as my sister and I arrived at Glasgow International Friday night before our flights home: “We're really sorry that your upcoming flights have been canceled.” A bonus day in Edinburgh? I knew just what I’d do.
January 9, 2024

Things I Wish I Had Said: Closing Chapter on Friendship

We had been friends for over twenty-five years. More than a quarter of a century. I don’t know why I feel the need to emphasise the length of time we’d known each other, as if the more time invested the deeper the friendship. There is perhaps a strong correlation but no causation between length of knowing and love.
December 25, 2023

A Matter of Tradition

Holiday traditions are a big part of every family, regardless of religion. It’s a time to gather, hold close the ones you love, and create new memories. Our family had changed. There were some traditions we needed to let go of and others to which we held tight.
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