Technically, we’re a literary magazine. In reality, we’re kind of a catch-all publication that embraces every kind of writing and artistry. We have poets, lyricists, illustrators, novelists, essayists, musicians, actors, and more contributing to our blog and PDF magazine publications, YouTube channel, audio content, and other platforms.

The only things we’re “anti” about around here are hatred and disrespect of others.

**Because we welcome all voices, we acknowledge that not all opinions or statements published at the MockingOwl Roost represent all those who contribute here. Our staff holds many viewpoints, as do our writers.**

Vision for the MockingOwl Roost

To be a safe, healthy, happy place for artists of all kinds – from every culture, belief system, skin color, orientation, identification, gender, and anything else that makes us unique – to speak openly.

Who We Are

  • We are a collective of artists from a wide range of backgrounds
  • We believe that everyone deserves to be heard and seen
  • We believe that differing views and perspectives help us grow and make the world better
  • We believe in expressing ourselves in respectful, mindful ways
  • We are passionate about mentoring writers and artists in their careers and works

What We Aim to Do

  • Be a community of and for artists, authors, and our fans
  • Encourage creativity and freedom of expression
  • Publish things that others may not publish
  • Publish things that affirm humans in their struggles and victories
  • Expose readers to artists and authors they may not have heard of
  • Widen the range of influence of writers and artists
  • Connect artists and thinkers with other artists
  • Connect artists and thinkers with readers and fans