May 6, 2024

Worldbuilding 101: Timelines, Your Story Sequence

Timelines establish the sequence or schedule for your story. Everything on them should be necessary to the world or your characters and must be done in a precise order so that what you create makes sense in story form.
March 6, 2024

Keep Your Voice Healthy: A Review for Singers, Actors, Podcasters, and Others Who Use Their Voices Regularly

Take the advice for protecting your voice during illness seriously. Use the suggestions as you perform with your instrument as if they were gospel. Welcome the sometimes-gross descriptions of your inner workings so you can better know how to use, protect, and save those vocal cords.
March 2, 2024

Writing Prompts in Images: Music Story Prompts

This year, we thought we'd try a series of content for writers in visual format: writing prompts in images. Being a huge music nerd who's reviving her love of performance, I thought I'd start with music story prompts. It may be a bit niche but you never know what these images could spark for your writing exercises or even those novels you've been puttering your way through. Enjoy!
February 18, 2024

Worldbuilding 101: Story Setting, Your World’s Framework

Story setting is more than just the physical stuff. It’s the mood and culture, period and genre, and many other things all wrapped into one. But it’s worth parsing out to find the sticky spots in your work that need more detail.
November 18, 2023

Worldbuilding 101: Characters, the Story Foundation

Your characters are worldbuilding tools, but they are also much more. Use them correctly, interact with them as if they were real, and you’ll see them come to life. They’ll become the guides to your storyline and world.
October 26, 2023

Worldbuilding 101: Maps, the Story Blueprint

Your map represents the world your characters live in. It might be as small as a doll’s house or as large as a multi-galaxy supercluster, and that’s fine…provided you can keep it all straight.
July 11, 2023

Encouraging Pushback from Writers: An Industry Standard Break

One of the standards I have run across many times myself as a writer and journalist has been that of punishing writers for speaking their minds and expressing their voices. I can think of many times a professor, a fellow journalist, or writer’s club member has mentioned being suppressed at the hands of their editor(s). The editor holds all the power.
December 8, 2021

Writing Tip: Create Character Bios

Writing a character biography can be one of the most helpful things to do when writing a book. In fact, those character bios about your primary and secondary characters may very well be the best tool for creating the perfect twists and turns for your plot to keep your readers engag
November 30, 2021

NaNoWriMo Day 30: Winning NaNoWriMo

You've done it. You've pushed and pushed, writing thousands of words each week, making it to this day - November 30, 2021. You've written like mad, and today, as you enter that last update, you'll taste that sweet victory of winning NaNoWriMo.
November 29, 2021

NaNoWriMo Day 29: Using Landscape for Inspiration

Whether you're into city living, country living, or that in-between suburbanite, landscape is a huge part of writing. Not only is it critical for helping our readers establish physical aspects of our writing universes, but the landscape can be an inspiration for storytelling.
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