November 3, 2021

NaNoWriMo 2021 Day 3 – Here There Be Hurricanes

Every person who writes a novel is crazy. We are the captains of leaky ships who believe the rigging will be mended, the crew will not mutiny, the sky will return. There is something inside us that demands we make sail, that points us directly into the hurricane.
October 25, 2021

NaNo Prep Post 4: NaNoWriMo is Almost Here – Are You Ready?

It’s almost here! NaNoWriMo 2021 is just 6 days away. Oh, that glorious, wondrous time when we put aside all reason and write an entire novel draft in 30 days or less. Here are a few things I do each year to get myself ready, to keep myself motivated, and to get that winner’s badge.
October 18, 2021

Staying Healthy During NaNoWriTing: Tips From a Personal Trainer and Nutritionist

Since that year, I’ve been committed to staying active all November long each year. I thought I’d share some of my tips and tricks here for fellow NaNo-ers who might need a little help in their own journey.
October 18, 2021

NaNoWriMo Prep Week 3: Finding the Right Consequences for Your Writing Motivation

Not sure how to get your butt in the chair to keep writing during NaNoWriMo? Check out these unique rewards and consequences one writer’s group uses to keep themselves motivated.
October 11, 2021

NaNoWriMo Prep Week 2: Your Writing Space

Here are some things I’ve done to create that writing space for myself even in the midst of: being married and sharing a studio apartment with another NaNo-er, having no office, and having no place to “go to” for writing, and working from home full-time.
October 4, 2021

NaNoWriMo Prep Week 1: Writer’s Groups

I’ve personally participated in NaNoWriMo for twelve years already and won eleven years (meaning I completed the 50,000 words on a brand new novel or rewrite of a novel). So, I thought I’d share some insight on my own preparations that hopefully will help newbies or long-standing NaNo-ers who’ve perhaps struggled a little. Today, we’re looking at writer’s groups and their value during this time.
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