March 13, 2024

My Favorite Things — The Total Solar Eclipse

Totality lasted less than 3 minutes — such a tiny fraction of time compared to the years I’d spent waiting, hoping, planning, and preparing. It overwhelmed the mind yet further rooted a desire for more at the same time.
July 27, 2023

My Favorite Things: Black Cats

I’ve had and loved cats of many colors and patterns, but my heart will always be most captive to the black ones: To their elegance, to their uniqueness within the seeming uniformity, and to the memories they evoke of those now gone. In history and in the now, black cats reign supreme.
January 8, 2023

My Favorite Things: Storm Season

I was terrified of the disaster the storm could bring, the damage it could do to my safe world. I was terrified of damage happening when I wasn’t looking because I thought somehow I could stop it if I could see it coming.
January 1, 2023

My Favorite Christmas Things: A Christmas Carol

I love the story so much that my parents purchased “A Christmas Carol Cherished Teddies” figurine version, complete with Scrooge and his counting house, so I could have Scrooge with me year round.
December 11, 2022


Gingerbreading is crafting and creating, laughing and lauding. And when the holidays are over, it takes on one last, long-awaited meaning: smashing those beautiful little houses and feasting for a month (or more!) on all the melt-in-your-mouth pieces!
December 4, 2022

My Favorite Things: Peppermint Mocha

It’s an amazing feeling to hold the first cup. The warmth oozes from the initial grasp of my hand into my wrist. I close my eyes and take a deep breath which refreshes my lungs and immediately brings all the happy emotions.
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