Come play in the Lonely Maple Wood, dance in the Winter Wonderland, dream of of things to come at Love's Open Door. Within the pages of the MockingOwl Roost issue "Beauty" you'll find the wonders of nature, humanity, animals, and more, inviting us each in to delight in creation and each other.
Welcome to the new season of the MockingOwl Roost's themed issues. We're launching the year with an uplifting issue themed on joy. Read along for joy in unusual and unexpected moments, every day life, and much more in the beautiful short stories, creative nonfiction, poetry, artwork, and more.
May you find encouragement to face your own trials, commiserate in your own struggles, and generally just enjoy these works by the gifted authors and artists the world over.
Unintentionally, the MockingOwl Roost family chose this topic, Unknown & Unseen, for our first triannual issue in 2023 for a time in which the family would […]