Jeremiah G – Midwest, USA
Jeremiah G., an 18 year old with high functioning autism, lives with his parents, three younger brothers, and his beloved dog Lily in Indiana. A long-time Christian and homeschooler, he loves reading, but really isn’t a fan of writing, even though his parents insist he’s good at it. He is great with words and impressions, has a killer sense of humor, and cherishes his anonymity.
John Grey – Rhode Island, USA
John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident, and an avid collector of everything from early editions of Mad Magazine to vinyl to art books, all of which somehow find a way into his writing, along with the view from his study window and the happenings and/or non-happenings in his life. He has been recently published in Sheepshead Review, Stand, Poetry Salzburg Review and Hollins Critic. Latest books, “Leaves On Pages” “Memory Outside The Head” and “Guest Of Myself” are available through Amazon. Work upcoming in Ellipsis, Blueline and International Poetry Review.

Jamie Gogocha – Washington, USA
Jamie Gogocha is a library assistant by day and rock music loving writer by night. Previous work has been published by such publications as Creative Colloquy, Adelaide Literary Magazine, and Avalon Literary Review. She currently writes for House of Stitched Magazine and the publication’s blog. Jamie is also working on her first novel and a collection of essays. She lives in Washington state with her beloved and their cat.
Evelyn Groch – Northern California, USA
Second Prize ESSAY Winner in MockingOwl Roost Contest 2024
Evie Groch, Ed.D. is a Field Supervisor/Mentor for new administrators in Graduate Schools of Education. Her opinion pieces, humor, poems, short stories, recipes, word challenges, and other articles have been widely published in the New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Contra Costa Times, The Journal, Games Magazine, and many online venues. Many of her poems are in published anthologies. Her short stories, poems, and memoir pieces have won her recognition and awards. Her travelogs have been published online with Grand Circle Travel. The themes of travel, language, immigration, and justice are special for her.

Faith G – Washington, USA
Faith Ann lives in Washington State enjoying the rain with her two horses, Gracie and Monsta’. Her inspiration comes from her adventures, the people she has met, and her grandmother’s love and wisdom. She has published 16 short stories that range from science fiction, fiction, and historical fiction, and is a finalist for the Canopus Award for Excellence in Interstellar Writing. Impressed by a Michelangelo quote, “The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”, she hopes her stories encourage others to “aim for the stars.”
Barbara Ann Gaiardoni – Italy
Barbara Anna Gaiardoni is an Italian pedagogist and author. From September 2022 to today, her Japanese poetry has been published on sixty-eight international trade journals. They have been translated into Japanese, Romanian, Arabic, Malayalam, Hindi and Spanish languages. Drawing and walking in nature are her passions “I can, I must, I will do it” her motto.
You can find Barbara on her website and on Facebook and Twitter.

Megha S. Gupta – Kolkata, India
Megha is a medicine student who has proclivity towards writing (inspired by her mother) currently living with her family in Kolkata, India. She is a new writer with some short stories published on some digital publications. She is fond of adventure, theatre, and dancing apart from writing.
Find Megha on Facebook.
Yessie Guitierrez – Florida, USA
Yessenia lives in Miami, FL. She is an aspiring writer. She writes poetry, short stories, screenplays, and quotes. Writing is her passion; her life. She writes to teach, learn, and to give people something to talk about. And to escape from all of the things that disturb her. She has won many writing contests, and has a poetry book published on Amazon.She is currently in college for creative writing.

Gene Goldfarb – New York, USA
Gene Goldfarb lives in New York City, where he ponders, love, hate, mortality and what’s up with the guy who hangs around the building. He loves movies, books, travel, and international cuisine. His poetry has appeared in the small press including: Black Fox, The Daily Drunk, The Gorko Gazette, Rat’s Ass Review, Bullshit Lit, and Stoneboat.
S.C. Gordon – Liverpool, UK
S. C. Gordon is a Liverpool-based writer, translator, and editor whose first poetry collection, Peckham Blue, was published in London by Penned in the Margins in 2006; her second collection, Harbouring, came out in November 2015 under Math Paper Press in Singapore. Her poetry, fiction and non-fiction have been published in anthologies and journals such as United Verses (2014), Unsavory Elements (Earnshaw, 2013), Middle Kingdom Underground (HAL, 2011), Unshod Quills (2011), Junoesq (2015), and The May Anthologies 10th Anniversary edition (2003). She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Liverpool.
Find more on S. C.’s website.

Sarah Das Gupta – Cambridge, UK
Sarah Das Gupta is a retired teacher who started writing last October after a long stay in holspital. Her work has been published in magazines from ten countries, including US, UK, Canada, Australia, India, and Nigeria.
Meenakshi Gogoi – Guwahati, India
Meenakshi Gogoi completed her PhD at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi, India. Besides research and writing academic papers, she is interested in writing articles, short stories, and fiction, and penning her thoughts in Hindi. She loves to read nonfiction, Urdu poetry and biographies. Nature photography is her passion, as she loves nature, animals, and scenic beauty. Currently, she is enjoying her motherhood to her young daughter. She lives in Guwahati, Assam.

Anita Goveas – London, UK
Anita Goveas is British-Asian, London-based, and fuelled by strong coffee and paneer jalfrezi. She’s on the editorial team at Flashback Fiction, an editor at Mythic Picnic’s Twitter zine. Her debut flash collection, ‘Families and other Natural Disasters’, is available from Reflex Press.
Lisa Gallant – Western, MA
Lisa Gallant is a writer and observer of life. She has a BA in Anthropology, and just completed her MSW. She is wrapping up 12 years of house cleaning to become an outpatient clinician. She enjoys rollerblading, biking, and baguette baking. She lives in Belchertown, MA with her kids and a cat who likes to sit on her computer.

Tina J. Gordon – New Jersey, USA
Tina J. Gordon is the author of Hardscrabble Way, a coming of age novel about an affluent teenager who becomes homeless. She has previously published poetry, travel essays, and short stories. She recently completed a new novel about a woman who makes a grisly discovery in a trunk in her grandmother’s attic. Intentions is based on actual events.
KJ Hannah Greenberg – Jerusalem
Faithfully constructive in her epistemology, KJ Hannah Greenberg channels gelatinous monsters and two-headed wildebeests. Forever an inventor of printed possibilities, Hannah’s been nominated four times for the Pushcart Prize in Literature, once for the Million Writers Award, twice for The Best of the Net, and once for the PEN/Diamonstein-Spielvogel Award for the Art of the Essay. She flies the galaxy in search of assistant bank managers, runs with a prickle of rabid (imaginary) hedgehogs, and attempts to matchmake words like “balderdash” and “xylophone.”
Find more from KJ Hannah on her website.

Carlene M. Gadapee – New Hampshire, USA
Carlene M. Gadapee’s poetry and critical reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in many publications, including Waterwheel Review, Gyroscope Review, Smoky Quartz, Think, Allium, Vox Populi, and MicroLit Almanac. Carlene received a “Best of the Net” nomination in 2023. Her chapbook, What to Keep, will be released by Finishing Line Press in early 2025. Carlene lives in northern New Hampshire.
Find Carlene on Instagram.
Edmund Garcia – Chicago, Illinois, USA
Born and raised in Chicago, IL. Not your typical entertainer. Most of his entertainment experience has been through school programs and/or community programs. He also a local DJ performing on Twitch and other streaming platforms.

Teel James Glenn – USA
Teel James Glenn has dozens of novels and stories published in over two hundred magazines including Weird Tales, Cirsova, Mystery Magazine, Heroic Fantasy, Tough and Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine. His novel A Cowboy in Carpathia: A Bob Howard Adventure won best novel 2021 in the Pulp Factory Award.
Find more on Teel’s website and Facebook.
Lenora Rain-Lee Good – Washington State, USA
As a young child, Lenora saw the old movie The Red Shoes and never forgot a certain scene, though the words may not be exact, the meaning is. “He: Why do you dance?” “She: Why do you breathe?” Lenora doesn’t dance; Lenora writes poetry, stories, and memoir because if they don’t, their muse gets really, really bitchy. Lenora writes to keep peace in the household of their cranium. A history buff, Lenora often write about historical people or places.
Find more on Lenora’s blog.