EJ Rose – Wales, United Kingdom

E.J.Rose is a Welsh author from a small town in Wales. Growing up as a bit of an introvert, he found writing poetry as a way of expressing himself, and fell in love with it. His other passion is writing for children and is working on a variety of children’s books. When not writing, E.J can be found strolling across the craggy headlands and sandy bays of the beautiful Gower beaches, taking inspiration from the stunning views and mysterious rocky coves.

You may follow EJ on Twitter, get some answers on Quora, or read more of his writings on his blog.

Chandra Rice – Alabama, USA

Chandra began writing as a child but never thought it would lead anywhere. She had other plans for her future. It wasn’t until she was recruited to be a newspaper reporter that she began writing professionally. It was a different kind of writing, but it brought the joy back for her. Now, she writes for release, for therapy, for fun, and for distraction.

You can follow Chandra on Twitter.

Chandra Rice

The Mad Artist (Derek Roper) – Maryland, USA

Derek Roper has dedicated his creativity and ingenuity to the cosmic mythos. The Mad Artist focuses much of his work on the mysteries of cosmic horror.

To find out more, follow his various outlets via Linktree.

Faris Ridzuan – Singapore

Faris Ridzuan is a multilingual singer, composer, and musician interested in inspiring humanistic values through music. He sings in Malay, Mandarin, Tamil, Hindi, German, French, Arabic, and other languages and has formal educational qualifications and distinctions in Malay, Arabic, French and DALF, with an Intermediate German Cerification from the National University of Singapore. He loves theatre, dramaturgy, poetry writing and the arts. He was a former educational policy officer, youth policy officer, tech policy manager and social science researcher. Now pursuing postgraduate studies, he is an academic tutor for Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore.

Find Faris on YouTube, Tiktok, or LinkedIn.

Charles Rammelcamp – Maryland, USA

Charles Rammelkamp’s latest poetry collection is The Field of Happiness, published by Kelsay Books. Rammelkamp is Prose Editor for BrickHouse Books. He contributes a monthly book review to North of Oxford and is a frequent reviewer for The Lake, London Grip, and The Compulsive Reader. A Magician Among the Spirits, a collection of poems about Harry Houdini, is a Blue Light Press Poetry winner and has just been published. A collection of flash fiction, Presto!, will be published in 2023 by Bamboo Dart Press. Another poetry collection entitled Transcendence has been accepted by BlazeVOX Books.

Dru Richman – Dallas, Texas, USA

Dru’s a little older and a lot grayer but still pushing on. The winner of the first National Public Radio’s Selected Shorts Writing Contest, Mr. Richman’s work has also won contests at Writers of the Future, National Novel Writing Month, and has been featured in Writers and Readers’ Magazine, Blank Cover Press, The Lawrence House Centre for the Arts – Uproar Literary Magazine, Synkroniciti Magazine, Across the Margin Magazine, Adelaide Literary Magazine, and other journals and anthologies. Dru lives in Richardson, Texas (a suburb of Dallas), with wifey Ava, and their four-legged love child, a standard poodle named Jacob.

Diana Raab, PhD – California, USA

Diana Raab, PhD, is an award-winning memoirist, poet, blogger, speaker, and author of 13 books. Her new poetry chapbook is, An Imaginary Affair: Poems Whispered to Neruda (Finishing Line Press, 2022). She blogs for Psychology Today, Thrive Global, Sixty and Me, Good Men Project, and The Wisdom Daily.

Find more on Diana’s website and Instagram.