October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This beast of a killer runs rampant affecting both females and males. It should be eradicated, but instead continues to destroy families, and lives.
It’s written with such passion, and truth that you can feel what each character is going through. And as a result, I found that it took an emotional toll on me and was hard to read at times. Hard or not, I had to find out what happened next.
As I have already regaled the internet with the inestimable literary opinions of the esteemed reviewers of Amazon, it’s past time I shared my own conclusions […]
The same intricate worldbuilding that enthralls one reader will spark an outburst by another bemoaning the novel’s insufferable pace. Further, the task of composing a best of list is extra tricky when applied to the fantasy novel as the lines between that genre and sci-fi have become so blurred in recent years that many curators metaphorically throw up their hands and lump the zany tales together.