July 19, 2024

Good Versus Evil

Melting snow dripped from the leaves like tiny ice daggers onto the disgruntled trainee evil witches below. As soon as they were born, these little girls were dispatched to the camp before any chance of feeling love or appreciation of comfort or joy could tarnish them. The spells that they were taught in dank and chilly clearings were bitter with evil: how to cause pain, how to fill hearts with hatred and revenge, and how to cause sorrow through foul wickedness.
June 15, 2024

Fantasy Fiction Issue – 2024

Welcome to our first genre-themed issue: the Fantasy Fiction Issue of 2024. Find the brilliant short stories, flash fiction, and poetry from our contributors and staff themed on magic, time time travel, paranormal experiences, and pixies among the pages.
July 10, 2023

Book Review: Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands

Familiar characters are back, with new ones introduced who instantly become friend or foe. This includes Emily’s niece/assistant, Ariadne, and a few of her colleagues in the field of Dryadology. Colleagues that hold fantastical secrets that span the years.
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