July 15, 2024

Beauty – the MockingOwl Roost

Come play in the Lonely Maple Wood, dance in the Winter Wonderland, dream of of things to come at Love's Open Door. Within the pages of the MockingOwl Roost issue "Beauty" you'll find the wonders of nature, humanity, animals, and more, inviting us each in to delight in creation and each other.
February 7, 2023

The Yellow Labrador Retriever

Despite being an old dog, he never seemed to tire of the winter. The more snow, the better. Bobalou’s celebration of each inaugural snowfall taught me to welcome the winter, to appreciate it as a season of renewal, to breathe in that cold, familiar midwestern chill as if it were a regenerative elixir.
December 4, 2022

My Favorite Things: Peppermint Mocha

It’s an amazing feeling to hold the first cup. The warmth oozes from the initial grasp of my hand into my wrist. I close my eyes and take a deep breath which refreshes my lungs and immediately brings all the happy emotions.
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