July 19, 2024

Good Versus Evil

Melting snow dripped from the leaves like tiny ice daggers onto the disgruntled trainee evil witches below. As soon as they were born, these little girls were dispatched to the camp before any chance of feeling love or appreciation of comfort or joy could tarnish them. The spells that they were taught in dank and chilly clearings were bitter with evil: how to cause pain, how to fill hearts with hatred and revenge, and how to cause sorrow through foul wickedness.
June 15, 2024

Fantasy Fiction Issue – 2024

Welcome to our first genre-themed issue: the Fantasy Fiction Issue of 2024. Find the brilliant short stories, flash fiction, and poetry from our contributors and staff themed on magic, time time travel, paranormal experiences, and pixies among the pages.
September 5, 2023

Thief Liar Lady, A Review

Thief Liar Lady doesn’t shy away from digging into the deep complexities of life, family, and government. Don’t judge the book by its fairy tale cover. It’s a tale of espionage, political intrigue, and independence led by a reimagined Cinderella ready to fight for her beliefs whether she has a man or not. And she’d prefer not.
April 18, 2023

Book Review: The Comic Book Detective

Alex had a tendency to slide in and out of a dreamworld, he envisioned he was a top Noir Detective with a woman/dame waiting on his desk, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, and that he could move in and out of the shadows, hiding in the dark night.
January 6, 2023

A Saturday in Paris

"Could I have a look at the Meissen porcelain figurines?" He had a slight accent. He pointed to the shelf. There were about ten figures displayed. He carefully took one of them in his trembling hands, a shepherdess with a lamb, and carefully put it back in slow motion.
August 24, 2022

Book Review: The Minister of Chance

I got caught up in the storytelling and let Kitty and the Minister lead me through a sleepless night until I finished the book. I pulled an all-nighter because I had to know the outcome of the story, even though I essentially knew the outcome of the story.
June 1, 2022

The MockingOwl Roost Special Issue: The Sleeper of R’Lyeh

Today, we're thrilled to publish a unique, special issue of the MockingOwl Roost - our first special issue.

Enjoy the stunning artwork of The Mad Artist (Derek Roper) and the writings inspired by the work, coming from the MockingOwl Roost staff.

January 7, 2022

Vacation to the Dragons of Io: Part III

“So this is the bunker?” Clarence said. “What about the bike?” “If the main hatch opens I’ll pull it in. If not, it’s safe. No one steals a bike on Io. The dragons are all a little too big.” “First time for everything,” Julia muttered and actually earned a few shared chuckles. She felt safer already with a roof overhead.
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