July 11, 2023

Encouraging Pushback from Writers: An Industry Standard Break

One of the standards I have run across many times myself as a writer and journalist has been that of punishing writers for speaking their minds and expressing their voices. I can think of many times a professor, a fellow journalist, or writer’s club member has mentioned being suppressed at the hands of their editor(s). The editor holds all the power.
July 2, 2023

My Symbol of Rest: the Black-Faced Sheep

Most often, we think of a sabbath as a day off of work. This is the reason the most dedicated followers of sabbath practices don’t even allow themselves to cook or clean on their days off, and, instead, must do the work ahead of time.
November 13, 2022

Positivity Corner: Morning Tea on the Patio

It’s a simple thing. It’s something I’ve basically been doing for years. But I’ve never been intentional about it or removed distractions from my morning like this. It has been a fantastic experience. I highly recommend it to others.
March 27, 2021

Self-Care for Chronic Illness

Trust me when I say, we do not wish anyone a moment of what we endure in these bodies. But like most things, you can’t know what this feels like mentally and emotionally, let alone physically, until/unless you walk a day in our chronically ill bodies – forget the shoes.
March 20, 2021

Positivity Corner: March Into Spring

I know this last year has been difficult for many staying home, quarantining when necessary. I am an introvert, yet even I am saying, “Where are my people”?! Walking for health – or any other reason – has fallen off almost everyone's radar. Survival is all we've been thinking about – not what makes us healthy and happy.
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