Positivity Corner: A Midweek Bath and Guilty Pleasure TV
It might seem a trifle to some – and, honestly, it is – but for me, a relaxing bath is one of the most releasing, healing things I can do for myself. Semi-regular baths in near-scaling water filled with lovely bath oils, a fragrant bath bomb or bubble bath, does something for me that no other relaxation technique can.
The other element of this relaxation celebration is watching shows that I’m almost ashamed to admit I enjoy. They’re out of my norm, out of my “usual genre” of television choices. I think, in a way, this makes them even more of a release as I bathe myself in scented water mixed with baking soda, sucking the toxins from my body.
There’s something healing about doing something outside your norm – so watching something that explores a side of interest that I don’t usually indulge has to be a part of my de-stress/healing process.
My bath pillow is also a huge part of this healing (since it, you know, lets me relax in there without conking my head on the side of the tub). Having plenty of water to rehydrate as I steam out my stress is important, too.
Finally, turning down the lights, plugging in a string of multi-colored Christmas lights, and lighting some bright, flickering candles sets the mood.
Best of all, if I can manage it, an indulgence point that makes this feel all the more luxurious is when I can manage this midday in the week. I know not everyone can do this – you don’t all work from home, crafting your own schedule. But for those who can, you might find this extravagance could make all the difference in helping you find true rest after a particularly stressful moment in life.
I’d like to add I didn’t always find baths relaxing. Until my thirties, I thought they were a waste of time. I didn’t think investing in myself in such a way was important or worth it.
But when I was working as a dog walker in Chicago, one of my clients gifted me with some opulent, high-priced bath salts for Christmas. I felt guilty not using them – so I did. And discovered a whole new world of de-stressing and healing.
Editor-in-Chief of The MockingOwl Roost, Rita Mock-Pike is the granddaughter of aviatrix, Jerrie Mock, first woman to pilot an airplane solo around the world. Rita has found inspiration from her grandmother’s life and flight and pursued many of her own dreams in theatre, podcasting, novel writing, and cooking up delicious food from around the world. She now writes on food, travel, pets, faith, and the arts. She’s happily married to Matt, and faithfully serves the very fluffy kitten queen, Lady Stardust.