January 17, 2024

Anatomy of a Memory, Part 2

But the highlight of the event was the momentous meeting between Luna Lyngdoh and Meban Tsangpa, a Samanera or novice monk. A woke, computer-trained graduate, he had been inducted into the monastery as a trainee. He followed many of the cardinal religious precepts but had not yet attained higher ordination which would make him a Bhikkhu or a full-fledged monk. 
February 3, 2023

Light Hues of the Soul

After preparing for the festivities and waiting for the puja, she sat on the chair near the gate. She watched the whole neighbourhood celebrating the festival with their families, and when she looked up, she saw the skies were filled with colourful sparks. The atmosphere was filled with the sounds of bursting firecrackers. In the midst of the noise, Sahitya prayed silently for the arrival of her children.
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