When the World Flipped Over

Image created onCanva
When the world flipped over
its open sign to closed,
we became moons in orbit
spinning in circles
seeking asylum from chaos
and isolation of the spirit.
The hospitals are still full
of those who tripped on the curbs
from shuffling their feet
on the slippery slopes of
the sidewalks and streets
while avoiding eye contact.
I want to love this world
but I’m tired of being tired
of the masses as they walk by
of mindless eyes
of heads bowed down
in their cones of solitude.
We sit with discomfort
afraid to touch or be touched.
We flutter by and tenderly land
for brief moments in time,
never lingering too long
for too many ticks or tocks.
It’s time to emerge from our bubbles
where all voices will be embraced.
Change is unceasing and continuous.
Trust in the process.
Open your eyes and hear me.
“Let me in. Let me in. Open wide.”
Last line from Rachel Kraus, intergalactic evening

Lisa Brodsky
Lisa Brodsky holds a Master of Public Health degree from the University of Minnesota and works as a Public Health Director. She was born and raised in Canada and is a mom of four boys. She is currently working on her Associates in Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing at Normandale Community College and was the 2nd place winner in the 2022 Patsy Lea Core Awards for poetry.
Lisa places a great emphasis on lived experiences in her work. In addition to writing, she enjoys painting, photography, and raising her Shetland Sheepdogs.
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