July 2, 2024

Sunday Arvo Waltz with the Long, Dark Teatime of the Soul

My soul resonates with Douglas Adams’ quote, yet stubbornly butts up against it, as my usual week, my usual time, my rest-seeking soul fights the dullness of the nine-to-five “assurance” of the world which calls me “wrong” for creating, “right” for stressing, and “weird” for seeking more than assurance that paychecks come and exhaustion reigns.
May 28, 2024

Autobiography, a Poetry Reading

There are two light bulbs shining in the room like two fixed eyes in a reflection. Already the person has disappeared and there is a thud in your head. It’s like the sound of time passing. It’s like the echo that would reach you in advance of your own future death.
April 15, 2024

Joy – MockingOwl Roost Volume 4, Issue 1

Welcome to the new season of the MockingOwl Roost's themed issues. We're launching the year with an uplifting issue themed on joy. Read along for joy in unusual and unexpected moments, every day life, and much more in the beautiful short stories, creative nonfiction, poetry, artwork, and more.
April 5, 2024

Rangikura; an Indigenous Poetry Book Review

Tibble’s writing style brings about this sense of uninhibited, sensual wildness that runs throughout the book. Make no mistake, this is adult poetry. Profanity punctuates key points, while the author tackles topics of sexuality. This evidence may be found as early as the first poem, Tohunga.
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