Near Uncas Point – A MockingOwl Roost Poetry Reading

Image by image byminx267 on Pixabay
Winters coaxed this sandspit
From shore and outgoing tides,
In radiant disarray, have returned
Land to the harbor by at least a half,
Leaving mud flats adorned with
Alluvial fans, hump-backed inlets
And high-stepping birds that seem
Content to forage – with wings in
Pockets – far from water. Trees
Bereft of bark border the dusky
Rubble of cottages sleeping in
Disrepair, the throw of porch
Lights leaking across lawns and
Glazing loose planks of pier,
While ice wades out from snow-
Dusted bramble into the scum
Gleam of marsh, stretching further
And further from shore before
Giving way to a confluence of
Currents and the outflow of pewter-
gray water. How very different
Then a time when wrinkled heat
Dazzled and hives of odor weighed
Upon the air and each day seemed
An act of indulgence. Now, moored
In late October’s amber, all of life’s
Been pared down from a glut of
Rapture into something austere and
Newly settled, frosted with salt spray
And tiny fragments of truant light.
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John Muro
A resident of Connecticut and a lover of all things chocolate, John Muro has authored two volumes of poems - In the Lilac Hour and Pastoral Suite - in 2020 and 2022, respectively. He is a three-time nominee for the Pushcart Prize, a nominee for the Best of the Net Award and, more recently, he received a 2023 Grantchester Award. John's work has appeared in numerous literary journals and anthologies, including Acumen, Barnstorm, Delmarva, Moria, River Heron, Sky Island and the Valparaiso Review.
You may follow John on Instagram.
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