November 19, 2021

NaNoWriMo Day 19: Falling in Love

You’ve been at this for 18 days now. Writing, writing, pushing, pulling, breaking, mending - drafting your NaNoWriMo 2021 novel. Well, by now, you may have come to absolutely love your main characters, or you may hate them. But if you’re not feeling that strongly about them, you might need to take a pause in the storytelling and spend some time falling in love with your lead (or falling in hate, if that villain just isn’t doing it for you).
November 18, 2021

NaNoWriMo Day 18: The Power of Words

None of these are inherently good or bad. Some people will run wild with your validating words and, intentional or not, harm others in their own “freedom.” Others may rejoice and find healing. The reader’s response is not on you to determine. You cannot force anyone to do anything.
November 17, 2021

NaNoWriMo Day 17: Writing Inspiration Games and Tips I Use Each Year

Finding motivation all month long can be tricky. Right now, we’re about halfway through the month, and the inspiration is waning for many. You’ve been writing that 1667 words a day, struggling to take the next step, write the next word, not completely blank out. You might just need some writing inspiration games at this point.
November 16, 2021

Book Review: Your Words Your World

Your Words Your World, written by Louise Bélanger is one example of this influx of religious poetry. I had the privilege of reviewing this book for the Roost and am happy to report that it truly is a lovely collection of works by a woman with a creative, imaginative mind.
November 16, 2021

NaNoWriMo Day 16: Get That Heart Pumping

If you’re still working away at your NaNoWriMo novel right now, I challenge you to make the following thousand words really count. Tell your readers every smell, every touch, every sound and sight, every flavor in the scene. 
November 15, 2021

NaNoWriMo Day 15: From Locked-Away to Locked-Down

My journey along the way has been a rather unique one, I would imagine. The first year I wrote, I was “locked” away in my bedroom for the month, writing between bursts of fundraising, ministry, and theatrical endeavors. The following year, similar. The third year, I lived in a run-down motorhome in the backwoods of Florida, awaiting my move to Chicago. I had no full-time job these three years, so they didn’t take me that long to win (apart from the first one when I was gaining my “NaNo legs”).
November 14, 2021

NaNoWriMo Day 14: Writing Exercises to Try When You Get Stuck

Throughout this month, I and others from the Roost staff have offered some tips and suggestions for getting those juices flowing again as you push through NaNoWriMo, aiming for that 50,000-word goal. So today, I thought I’d offer up some specific writing exercises instead of merely directing you to other websites for resources. These are the ones I’ve found most effective for myself.
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