The Enemy Within

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I was with you when we first saw the sunburst
Your eyes hopeful that all was well
Me knowing the monster that lurked in your genes
I recognized the evil approaching
Taking up residence in your breast
We said nothing to each other as we waited
Best friends from early childhood
Holding hands waiting for news
How do I shield you from this hell?
I am strong but this will take a Titan.
In he walked and
Breast Cancer
A gift from mother to daughter
Radiation therapy
Hair loss
Then cured!
We danced, so happy
Friends rejoiced in your good health
The demon filled her lungs
She screamed it was back
No one listened
Why did she have to go like that?
The day after her birthday
We got the call
She asked to be taken off life support
She claimed her power and departed this earthly plane on her terms
She conquered cancer in her own way
I cried, “Why didn’t they listen years ago when she said it was in her lungs?”
“Woman hush – I am the radiologist and it’s normal.”
His words, like dung, running downstream to pollute the water of life.
“Why didn’t they listen?” I cried to the cold air around me
She whispered through the cold November air:
“I am free – Quit crying, Suzanne
Cancer has no hold over me
Don’t you want me to be happy?
“I am free!”
My response was one of love and anger –
Love to her spirit
She truly was free and my soul abounded in her joy.
Still I shouted a loud “Fuck cancer!” to her killer
And cancer deserved it
If you like this poem, check out these lovely poems:
- A Blessing For Those In Urgent Moments
- Scent
- Faith and Work
- Autobiography – A Poetry Reading
Sue Cook lives in Freeport, Illinois with her husband Randy and two dogs. Her passions include assistance dogs, rescue dogs, music, acting, theater, poetry, and Doctor Who. She’s been in both film and theater and is a regular cast member of the podcast Doctor Who’s Line is it….Anyway? Sue is an advocate for the use of Service Dogs to assist their disabled handlers to maintain their independence. Quigley’s Quest, her first children’s book, addresses how a dog becomes a Service Dog.