August 13, 2021
August 12, 2021
Down at the stables was always the best part of every summer. I loved the kids – don’t get me wrong – but being a wrangler was all I could ask for in that moment of my life...
August 11, 2021
Sometimes you need a little creative boost. Try these cozy mystery prompts to get the creative energy flowing.
August 10, 2021
August 9, 2021
Poetry: Sometimes there seems to be no hope. Sometimes, the never overcomes us. Sometimes there are too many pieces.
August 8, 2021
Good things come in nostalgic packages - Saturday morning cartoons and breakfast in bed to boost emotional health. Who knew?
August 7, 2021
Need some inspiration? Check these action/adventure story writing prompts.
August 6, 2021
August 4, 2021
Need your fix of cute animals? Check out quokkas. These little marsupials are the best!
August 3, 2021
A tea review: matcha-style Rooibos from PureChimp
August 1, 2021
This book is freakin' awesome! I am a Zombie fan. I even played one on a YouTube series, so Zombies have a special place in my heart. I began reading this book with a bit of uncertainty as to whether it would be the same old Zombie story. Bite, infect, repeat, die. Yes, biting occurs which leads to infection, but the infection can be transmitted in different ways.
July 30, 2021
Sometimes I just need a break midweek. And that's okay.