January 21, 2022

Book Review: The Vinyl Detective-Written in Dead Wax

Reading this book was like climbing onto a rollercoaster that cascaded to its end in a dark mountain. You never knew where the next thrilling twist would take you. I devoured the pages in one day, as if I was starving and the book was my only meal.
January 20, 2022

Interview with Jinn Zamayla: Philippine Jewel

“As a writer, I believe that even though I am new to the world of publishing short stories, I have the passion, love, dedication, and desire to bring out the best writing that I have to the world and touch the lives of people through my writing.”
January 17, 2022

Book Review: What Loss Can Teach Us

First off, I have to express to you that Beth knows what she’s talking about. The book is laced with stories from her personal experiences and those as a therapist, dealing with these deep, emotionally challenging topics of loss, death, and suffering. The stories are crisp, moving, and interconnecting in a way that readers can relate and dig deep if they’re willing to do the work.
January 15, 2022

The MockingOwl Roost Volume 2, Issue 1: Exploration

It's official! The MockingOwl Roost is now one year old! We've got a brand new quarterly PDF issue for you to enjoy on the topic of exploration. New contributors and old, plus staff, share their views on exploration through poetry, fiction, essays, interviews, and more. Please enjoy!
January 13, 2022

Basking in the Light of the “City of Paradise”

At my library study carrel, I conjured scenes of children playing on rocky Andalusian shores and fishermen arranging their bountiful Mediterranean harvests. Vicente Aleixandre’s poem “Ciudad del paraíso”, translated as “City of Paradise” in English, transported me to Málaga, Spain where time stands as still as the mountains overlooking the sea below.
January 12, 2022

Tea Review: Loyd Herbal Tea Mint With Cranberry and Herbs

Many herbal teas by numerous brands cover the shelves of local grocery stores and fill out the aisles at little tea shops in cities like Chicago. Finding the right tea choice can be difficult, especially for newbies. However, seasoned tea-drinkers can struggle with finding new options when favorite blends stop circulating, too. I present Loyd Herbal Tea Mint with Cranberry and Herbs for anyone looking for good-quality, affordable herbal tea.
January 7, 2022

Vacation to the Dragons of Io: Part III

“So this is the bunker?” Clarence said. “What about the bike?” “If the main hatch opens I’ll pull it in. If not, it’s safe. No one steals a bike on Io. The dragons are all a little too big.” “First time for everything,” Julia muttered and actually earned a few shared chuckles. She felt safer already with a roof overhead.
January 2, 2022

Positivity Corner: The Horizon Signal

I’d heard Stellaris had received a small update. Something about a Horizon Signal spawning rarely in black hole systems. I’d never triggered it in any game prior and had religiously avoided spoilers. And in a game where I couldn’t reload, one weaponless science ship had just popped the event chain.
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