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April 30, 2021

Bos Rooibos Tea Review: Like Going Home – Or An Ode to South Africa

When I lifted the lid from the tin, my nostrils instinctively went to the edge and breathed in a sweet, earthy waft. The sachets are sealed into foil packs, but the lingering aroma from their packaging is still there and my heart sang. This is Rooibos, I thought, a smile parting my lips.
April 9, 2021

Positivity Corner: My Matcha Ritual

I first heard of Matcha when a friend’s friend from Singapore sent her a bag of the fine, green powder. Amazon was around by now, but things like this weren’t so readily available to Americans – nor did we seem to know to look for it. When I married a man who’s intrigued with all things Japanese, Matcha returned to my awareness, especially when we wound up living across the highway from a Japanese market where Matcha could easily be purchased for a reasonable price.