🦉 Submissions next open from June 1 to August 31 2024
March 16, 2024

By the Light of the Moon, Part 4

“I can tell the future and here's what I learned,” I said with dramatic seriousness. “I will not need to ask anyone to homecoming because I'll be taking you. Paul will be home with mono. You may not know but my pebbles know.”
March 13, 2024

My Favorite Things — The Total Solar Eclipse

Totality lasted less than 3 minutes — such a tiny fraction of time compared to the years I’d spent waiting, hoping, planning, and preparing. It overwhelmed the mind yet further rooted a desire for more at the same time.
March 11, 2024

By the Light of the Moon, Part 2

I raced through the line taking food without much thought. Platter piled high, I breezed past the cashier and out into the dining room. Normally, we ate in a small room behind the main hall away from the co-eds, but I refused to miss this opportunity to dine with her.
March 9, 2024

By the Light of the Moon, Part 1

I turned to Gator. “Over there.” Gator and Ellen leaned closer. They must not have heard me. I nodded in the direction of the middle of the dance floor. Gator scratched his chin. Ellen scrunched up her forehead and squinted, unsure of what I was trying to communicate. But she turned slowly following my gesture. We saw her standing there.
March 6, 2024

Keep Your Voice Healthy: A Review for Singers, Actors, Podcasters, and Others Who Use Their Voices Regularly

Take the advice for protecting your voice during illness seriously. Use the suggestions as you perform with your instrument as if they were gospel. Welcome the sometimes-gross descriptions of your inner workings so you can better know how to use, protect, and save those vocal cords.
March 4, 2024

Pinkies Up for Some “Red Velvet” Pleasure, a Tea Review

By the name of the tea, I would have expected Pinky Up Red Velvet Cake Tea to contain cocoa or cocoa-like flavorings. Instead, as I opened the tin and smelled, I realized the product may well be misnamed. I double-checked the website and nope. It’s the correct label for the tea.
March 2, 2024

Writing Prompts in Images: Music Story Prompts

This year, we thought we'd try a series of content for writers in visual format: writing prompts in images. Being a huge music nerd who's reviving her love of performance, I thought I'd start with music story prompts. It may be a bit niche but you never know what these images could spark for your writing exercises or even those novels you've been puttering your way through. Enjoy!
February 26, 2024

Like Father, Like Son

The social worker in the office asked me how long I’d been homeless. I told him for two or three days. That was how long it had taken me to feel destitute on the street and seek help. His next question: Any relation to the man of the same name already in residence at the shelter? Can it be? I wondered.
February 21, 2024

At the Red Door

He’d pretty much decided he was going to enlist, thinking the navy would be better than just getting drafted and sent to who knows where in Vietnam. Will knew how to act in a bar because he’d gone with his older brother John to St. Jean’s Social Club many times; he knew you just keep to yourself or shout “yeah right” in reply to a joke or to deflect an insult.
February 18, 2024

Worldbuilding 101: Story Setting, Your World’s Framework

Story setting is more than just the physical stuff. It’s the mood and culture, period and genre, and many other things all wrapped into one. But it’s worth parsing out to find the sticky spots in your work that need more detail.