🦉 Submissions next open from June 1 to August 31 2024
July 2, 2023

My Symbol of Rest: the Black-Faced Sheep

Most often, we think of a sabbath as a day off of work. This is the reason the most dedicated followers of sabbath practices don’t even allow themselves to cook or clean on their days off, and, instead, must do the work ahead of time.
June 30, 2023

Poetry Special 2023, the MockingOwl Roost

The MockingOwl Roost Poetry Special 2023 is finally here! After a lovely sabbatical taken by the staff, we're eager to share this beautiful collection of poetry with the world! The contributors and staff have created some truly stunning poems spanning the skies, the seas, and the earth. May you read and delight in the beauty of these works from around the world.
June 27, 2023

Stash Southern Peach Tea: A Teatime Review with Rita

Matt, who I knew would be the biggest critic because of those Chilton County Peaches, got the first cup. He wouldn’t be a make or break for me, but at least I’d know what I was getting into. I can’t say he was awed but I can say he was surprised. “It’s actually good!”
June 25, 2023

Book Review: Titanium Noir

The world that Nick Harkaway built is very believable. It reminded me of New York, or Chicago down to the places to eat. To be honest, I had a bit of a crush on Cal. I loved the idea of him knowing what he could be, and choosing to remain what he is so that he can do his work.
June 15, 2023

The Boy in the Rain: A Book Review

The setting is vivid and draws you in, leading you to forget that you're not in an old painting of London and Nottingham. The characters are mostly warm and compassionate. Some are confusing, others surprising, all extremely well crafted and heartbreakingly developed.
June 2, 2023

A Dream

On the first night, Nicole stood by the kitchen window washing the last of the dishes, procrastinating. The expanse before her was dark but for star- and moonlight bouncing off the fields. It was one of the most beautiful things Nicole had ever seen. Just as she thought, maybe the dark here isn’t so bad, the tiniest, almost imperceptible dust up at the side of the house caught her attention. Nicole felt her face warm, and her throat tighten.
May 28, 2023

Golden Kiwi Tea from Greenfield: A Teatime with Rita Review

The Golden Kiwi tea is a black tea with dehydrated fruit added, and golden kiwi flavoring added. The tea has an almost spicy edge to it when you sip. It’s a moderate to mild edge, though. And the actual fruit used in the tea is pineapple, not kiwi, which is where the edge comes from.
May 16, 2023

The Whalebone Theatre: A Review

The Whalebone Theatre is a long, literary read set in the early decades of the 1900s, shortly after WWI and through WWII. It takes a bit for the title to make sense, but once it does, my fellow theatre lovers will delight in the memories and emotions the tale pulls out.
May 16, 2023

Jana Goes Wild: Book Review

Farah Heron takes us on a whirlwind, delicious Tanzanian tour in her latest novel, Jana Goes Wild. This contemporary romance fiction is a great read for anyone who loves a lovingly invasive family, gathering potential travel ideas, or believes in second chances and clean starts