Quarterly & Special Issues
September 2, 2022
We’ve all had moments of wanting to run away. At age 81, Bernice actually does it. Bernice has had her fair share of struggles in life, but overall, has been fairly content with her life in small-town Arkansas, where she was born, raised, and plans to someday die. She receives a rude-awakening when her daughter Sarah decides for Bernice that it’s time to sell everything and move into Sarah’s backyard bungalow in Atlanta. So, she packs her car to the brim with her cat Dolly Parton, essential books, and heads out.
September 1, 2022
Today, we’re thrilled to publish our second special issue of the MockingOwl Roost! This poetry special is dedicated to the stunning artwork and photography and the […]
August 31, 2022
The book is a great choice for folks who have lives like mine: chaotic and busy, with aims of healthier life and running balance. It’s a short, breeze through book that’s about taking a running program with small goals each week to improve that balance and find your center.
August 30, 2022
In remembrance of my beautiful aunt, so young and so lively. Gone too soon. The crusader virus is mercilessly on its conquest,like a swarm of bees […]
August 29, 2022
The album has a mix of moods throughout as you can see, though most of the music lies closer to “chill” than high energy. The album does bounce a bit all over the place – you definitely won’t get bored with it as a whole!
August 27, 2022
August 24, 2022
I got caught up in the storytelling and let Kitty and the Minister lead me through a sleepless night until I finished the book. I pulled an all-nighter because I had to know the outcome of the story, even though I essentially knew the outcome of the story.
August 23, 2022
Walking several times throughout the day helps to de-junk my brain. I can work through the stuff that’s in my head, rattling around. And working through it clears out my thoughts and frees up space for life apart from work.
August 18, 2022
The Gold Persimmon by Lindsay Merbaum is riveting and surreal. At times, I found myself so caught up in the characters' actions that it actually took my breath away, and had me yelling at my Kindle. This book was not what I was expecting from its title.
August 15, 2022
A bright, upbeat rhythm drops you into this song by Paul Maged, a NYC-based singer/songwriter. “Everything’s Gonna Be Alright” is an emotionally intent, funky song that buzzes with positivity and heart.
August 13, 2022
Running the red on a right, screeching the corner, he cut me off.A second later we would have collided.Barely ahead he gunned his powerful engine.Smoking mags […]
August 12, 2022
The most startling portions of Hell Town are true. Let that sink in. I am not easily made nauseous by true crime, but this was brutal. Casey Sherman’s writing style, and description of the events are both brilliant, and nightmare-ish.
August 6, 2022
Tina J Gordon The ubiquitous yellow line—thosemillions of minuscule thermoplastic glass beads stenciled down thecenter of every road and highway— keep us safe in our own […]
August 5, 2022
Again, it returns to the yard-tree and sits facing his window, as if sent by an invisible force. A sign from the heavens! An ethereal sight.
July 30, 2022
Tina J Gordon Along the Sciara del Fuoco in the Mediterranean, you can hear the earthrumble, heave, sigh.Like a heart that’s broken, it grieves. Listen in […]
July 23, 2022
July 22, 2022
“Our culinary choices often say something about us we cannot articulate.” – Henry Hargreaves
July 16, 2022
July 15, 2022
Volume 2, Issue 3 of the MockingOwl Roost: Introspection is ready for readers. Enjoy!
July 14, 2022
Katie Daniels Mesu Andrews’ latest release, Potiphar’s Wife, takes the reader back to ancient Egypt with the Biblical story of Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife. We meet […]