🦉 Submissions next open from June 1 to August 31 2024
March 9, 2023

The Stranger in Our Bed: A MockingOwl Roost Movie Review

This mystery-thriller kept me guessing. It is set in England and, in part, at an old family estate in the country, both of which lend to the movie's mystery. From the beginning, I could feel the tension that proved to weave throughout the story.
February 24, 2023

Too Pointless

“The alarm. I have to go home today.” Not being able to take his breath, she sits up and lights a cigarette from her pack on the nightstand. She spots the watery rum and coke also on her nightstand and downs it. When the clock radio clicks and an announcer’s laugh shoots out of it, she hits the snooze button again and allows herself nine more minutes of staring off into space. After eight minutes, she unplugs the radio so that the alarm does not get Rob up.
February 17, 2023

The Girl in the Sand

She looked around and saw only a sea of sand. Dunes that swept out for as far as the eye could see. She decided to walk, for what else was there to do but walk? But in what direction should she go? The only path she could take was forwards. So, she walked forwards across the sand, her bare feet sinking with each step.
February 9, 2023

Cozy Mystery Review: The Cat Who Series

Every title begins with the phrase ‘The Cat Who’. The reason is simple: A cat is the crime-solver. His devoted human is merely the tool he uses to impart justice, and the actions described in the title are a clue...
February 3, 2023

Light Hues of the Soul

After preparing for the festivities and waiting for the puja, she sat on the chair near the gate. She watched the whole neighbourhood celebrating the festival with their families, and when she looked up, she saw the skies were filled with colourful sparks. The atmosphere was filled with the sounds of bursting firecrackers. In the midst of the noise, Sahitya prayed silently for the arrival of her children.